Mesh Mashup: HD Renders

 For this project I ended up changing my object. I did this because after learning how to use all these programs I figured I could do a better job the second time around, plus I was somewhat disappointed with my last object and the quality of my work. With this new object I think it looks much more refined and clean than my previous object. I chose to do my Easter egg island object, but when I got to refining it in mesh mixer I added more objects to create a small story to the work. This also allowed me to play with more materials when hd rendering in rhino. I added a giant crab and a tiny little cat stretching on the beach chair. Since the island is in an egg holder, its like its the giant crabs breakfast. I also played with materials a lot, and applied textures that wouldn't normally be used on the objects. Overall, I'm much happier with this work than my previous one and I hope that the improvement shows well. 

I had a fun time playing with light and all the different textures available. If I could change one thing I would've liked to create my own fur texture to apply to the cat, but I had some difficulty with getting it to look exactly how I wanted because of how small the cat is. I also chose to have the object floating mid-air as I think it adds to the weird factor and how odd these images are, especially the ones with odd patterns and materials used.


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